My Process
I don’t produce copy in a vacuum. We communicate and collaborate so you can be confident my words speak for you.
My approach to each project begins with understanding who your audience is and the relationship we want them to have with your brand. This helps determine the voice and vocabulary, the foundation for engaging content. (If we already know one another, great! We’re a few steps ahead.)
Depending on the scope and timeline of the assignment, I may tackle a small portion as a “test case” first. For example, we might select one page of your website or one blog post. I submit a draft based on our initial discussion and wait for your feedback before continuing.
With the feedback, I typically wrap up the first item and begin work on the remaining documents. Occasionally a second draft may be needed before continuing with the rest of the work.
You receive a draft and at least one round of edits. If multiple reviewers are involved, it’s most efficient if you or someone you appoint acts as your company’s “hub,” corralling all comments prior to sending them to me. Assuming fluid and open communication, one round of edits usually suffices, but additional rounds may be required for particularly complex documents.
Projects with a more expansive scope may encompass multiple documents in various stages of completion. In those cases, I track information in a simple spreadsheet that logs document title/subject, word count, status (e.g., not started, first draft, edited draft, complete), and date sent for feedback / returned to me.